Preface of Psychology


Welcome to Mental Migration Methodology (MeMiMe),

Have you know what Psychology exactly means...?
Have you know why knowledge of Psychology is important to humans..?
Have you know how good-Psychology is the lifeblood to building healthy lives and healthy Earth..?

Let us look at this article to know about the basic concept of Psychology.

Psycho- Mental state of being (Animal and Human)
Ology- The science that study and describe the particular field of knowledge

    Both words together are called Psychology, which means the scientific study of how humans & animals behave, think, and feel.

[Note:- In a general sense, we use psychology as the study of human beings, but which also embedded animals.]

The outcome of this article.

After successful completion of this article you all definitely,
  • Uderstanding the broder term Psychology.
  • Scope of Psychology (Branches and Application).
  • Difference between Psychology and Psychiatrists.
  • Why Psychology you should learn.

The term Psychology:

    As I mentioned early, Psychology is the field of studying everything about the human experience from the basic working of the human brain/mind to consciousness, memory, reasoning, and language (Oral, body) to personality and mental well-being.

    In present days Psychology term getting more popularity in every field of human activity
I.e. organizations, Education institutions, sports, public service, and Hospitals. etc.

Let's look at the scope of Psychology:

    Psychology is a broader term that includes the scientific study of human behavior and its biological, cognitive, and social issues to the systematic application of this knowledge to particular problems. 

  • Clinical Psychologists:

    Clinical Psychologists are those who work in hospitals where they might treat people who have problems with their emotions and behavior.
    These Clinical Psychologists can identify any current/Possible conditions thought
- Asking to answer the questionnaire
- One-on-One interview
- By any other examinations, by acting, talking, expressions.

  • Ornaisational Psychologists:

    Organizational psychologists are those who work and consult independently for private and public organizations as human resource professionals, helping to motivate the workforce and to solve any organizational problems.
    These organizational psychologists mostly work on psychological principles too, like,
- Improving the work environment
- Performance building
- Communications improvement
- Employer-employee inter-personal relationship building
- Critical thinking and memory-building training. Etc.

  • Educational Psychologists:
    Educational psychologists are those who work in the field of education to study how people learn and retain knowledge. 
    They also apply psychological science like personality, Intelligence, emotion, and motivation to improve the learning process and promote educational success for the students.

  • Sports Psychologist:
    Sports psychologist work to enhance the performance of teams and individuals through unique physical activities exercise and improving mental wellness, like,
- Attentional focus
- Mental toughness
- Visualization
- Team building and motivation
- Reduce Anxiety. Etc.

    Like above mentioned, many other specialist psychologist work with researchers, and teachers in universities and in animal husbandry, and forest departments.

[Note: Here one thing we need to notice, those who learned psychology and choose a career outside of psychology will find their training very relevant and useful in their life and workplace.]

Hold.......on.... have you know the difference between Psychologists and Psychiatrists..? .. No...?  

    Generally, we tend to mistake both as the same, often sometimes confused about it.. right..?

The difference between Psychologists & Psychiatrists:


Psychologists are specialists who are well versed and trained to deal with people in their everyday life and within their work environment to help better function and to prevent any problems developing in the mental and physical health of humans.
Psychiatrists are medical-oriented specialists/doctors who specialised in treating mental illness and who may prescribe drugs for mental illness treatment.

[Note:- In general, psychologists works with society to improve the mental wellbeing before any illness accurs, but the psychiatrists are work to cure the mental illness by treatment with drugs and therapy.]

Till now we learned about,
-What is psychology means & its scope.
- Difference between psychologists and psychiatrists.

Now look at why we need to study Psychology:

    We all human being very sensitive towards every situation or incident which happens around us and which molds our behavior without knowing or without notice to our senses.

    Here is the list that I thought from my knowledge point of view, why we need to learn about psychology to learn, deal and protect us and our family and society.
  1. Improve relationships between people
  2. Child learning and behavioral development
  3. Build social communication skill
  4. Improve critical and analytical skill
  5. Conflict management in family and in workplace
  6. Protect ourselves from depression
  7. Personality development
  8. Deal with sleeping problems
  9. Deal with sexual problems
  10. Fears, Phobias, and anxiety problems
  11. Stress and chronic pain
  12. Improve performance in sports activities
  13. Human resource management.
[Note: Above points are written from both personal and organizational point of view.]

    I will discuss with you above-mentioned topic in upcoming articles in detail. 

I hope this article may help you to create curiosity and knowledge about psychology in a holistic way.

"Don't lose your hope,
because you need to improve your scope"

Share it with someone who need it.....
Thank you




Sunil said…
Very nice dear...very usefull information...
Swetha said…
Beautiful article Keerthan, I got nice information in 5min reading... Keep going..
Raksha said…
The information of psychological study and it's importance was said very clearly keerthan.